Tracing School Spaces

This program focuses on the construction of parks in schools. We work through the fases of Imagine and Transform to create new meeting spaces with the biggest students of the school (fifth and sixth grade). The children learn basic design tools that allow them to come up with their ideas for the school park and then make it come to reality with volunteers and relatives. This program happens during the school year with two intensive workshops of one week each and monitoring and developing activities between them. The transformed spaces have between 100 and 300 square meter. Referential video:

Programs: Agustín García Padilla School (Edo. Sucre) 2017, Luis Daniel Beauperthuy School (Edo. Sucre) 2018, Guasimal Abajo School (Edo. Sucre), 2018, Pablo María Fuentes School (Edo. Sucre), 2019.

The Sustainable Development Goals that we mainly focus on are: (4) Quality education, (11) Sustainable cities and communities, (16) Peace, justice and solid institutions.