Collect Materials

During our workshops, we are always using recycling materials and construction tools. If you have any of these, and you want to help us collecting them, please write to  and let us know more. Here's a list of materials and tools that are always welcome:

RECYCLING: glass or plastic bottles, plastic caps, rubbers, metal sheets, aluminum cans, wooden loading pallets, plastic containers of all kinds, fabric, light bulbs, empty paint boxes, cardboard, magazines, newspapers.

STATIONERY: markers, blackboard markers, colors, pencils, pens, pencil sharpeners, rulers, transporters, scissors, tape, tepee, post-its, stick bars, silicon, ice cream palettes, foamy, wick, thread, needles, clay, t-wraps, nylon.

CONSTRUCTION: Metric tapes, goat legs, drill, screwdriver, jigsaw, circular saw, sander, sander, hammer, chisel, shovel, plier, pickaxe, spatula, spoon, brush, water buckets, press or sergeant, level, nails, screws, frame anchors, wire, sandpaper, spray paint, paint, anticorrosive background, varnish, rollers, construction lenses, gloves.

TECHNOLOGY: digital cameras, SD or microSD memory, tablets or iPads, power extensions, video beam projector, photo printer, photo printer ink, laptop, camera tripod.

LANDSCAPE: seeds, plants, seeds, fertilizer, soil, soil fertilized, gardening gloves, wire.