Juan Moreno III

El Consejo, Estate of Aragua, Venezuela. September-December 2015.
Team: Ana Vargas, Valeria Ramos, Diana Rangel, Gabriela Puppio y Emilia Monteverde.

Between September and December 2015 we did a workshop for 12 local children. In this opportunity, Tracing Public Space supported the Urban Development Project: “Casas Blancas” led by Santa Teresa Foundation in Juan Moreno.

We began by OBSERVING. We learnt about public space and went out to find them in Juan Moreno. The kids found different places they have never noticed even though they walked in front of them everyday. Some of them with lots of potential but abandoned. We organized a photograph and mapping exhibit for the community, and together we chose the place to transform: an abandoned corner behind the Church.

The second step was DESIGN. Proportions, measure and understanding types of activities in public space were the topics. Also, we travelled to Venezuela’s capital, Caracas, to visit more public spaces as references. Once everyone was inspired they developed their ideas and, as before, we organized an exhibition of our models. The community chose the design that they liked most and suited their needs and our architecture team adapted those ideas to reality to begin the CONSTRUCTION phase.

Finally, our ideas were turned into reality. The need for a place to play marbles was the the start for “La Plaza de Las Metras” (Marbles Square), a public space built by children and neighbors of Juan Moreno. Nowadays that abandoned place has a name, children play there, neighbors organize Domino’s championships and an occasional mass. Our best achievement is how the community has committed to maintain the space by watering the flowers in the mural.

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